NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes
The following items constitute a completed application to a summer seminar or institute:
- three copies of the completed application cover sheet,
- three copies of an detailed résumé,
- three copies of an application essay as outlined below, and
- two letters of recommendation (sent separately; duplicate copies not required).
Remember that your application MUST bear a postmark of MARCH 1, 2005, or earlier.
All application materials should be sent directly to:
Fred M. Donner
The Oriental Institute
The University of Chicago
1155 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
The application essay is perhaps the most important single component of your application. It should be no more than four double-spaced pages. This essay should include any relevant personal and academic information. It should address reasons for applying; the applicant's interest, both academic and personal, in the subject to be studied; qualifications and experiences that equip the applicant to do the work of the seminar or institute and to make a contribution to a learning community; a statement of what the applicant wants to accomplish by participating; and the relation of the project to the applicant's professional responsibilities. Applicants to institutes may need to elaborate on the relationship between institute activities and their responsibilities for teaching and curricular development.
The two referees should be chosen carefully. They should be familiar with the applicant's professional accomplishments or promise, interests, and ability to contribute to and benefit from participation in the seminar or institute. They should specifically address these issues in their recommendations. Letters from colleagues who know the applicant's teaching and from those outside the applicant's institution who know his or her scholarship are often more useful than letters from college or university administrators. Referees should be provided with copies of the director's description of the seminar or institute and the applicant's essay. If an applicant has previously participated in an NEH summer seminar or institute, a recommendation from the director or lead scholar of that program would be useful. It is the applicant's responsibility to ask the referees to send their letters directly to the project director and to make certain that their letters are mailed to arrive not more than one week after the March 1 deadline.
Participant Application Cover Sheet
If this Application Cover Sheet is reproduced by computer, the information must appear with the headings listed in the order printed here. Do not exceed the space allotted on this page. Incomplete or illegible applications may be deemed ineligible.
Home Address:
Work Address: (department, institution, street address, city/state/ZIP)
Institution Type (circle): Public Private
2-year College 4-year College University
Courses taught this year--indicate U (undergraduate) or G (graduate):
Number of students taught this year:
Degrees your department grants:
How many years have you been teaching?
Citizenship (if not U.S., specify country, month and year U.S. residence began):
Telephones, home and work (include at least one where a message can be left and indicate which):
Name of Director and Title of Seminar or Institute to which you are applying:
List Dates and Titles of NEH Seminars or Institutes you have participated in:
(printed name) (signature) (date)